
Big Waves - Reception

Miss Murray

EYFS Lead & Reception Teacher

Miss Jasper

Teaching Assistant

Mrs Mills

Nursery Assistant

Miss Fugler

Nursery Assistant

Mrs Spargo

Teaching Assistant

Our EYFS team manage a well organised and planned classroom, with a variety of high quality indoor and outdoor resources. We are lucky to enjoy a large outdoor patio area and dedicated field for our children, in addition to our whole-school dedicated outdoor learning area. 
Our P.E. days are MONDAY and FRIDAY. Please send your child to school wearing their P.E. kit every Monday and Friday. Thank you. 
Reading records are checked every FRIDAY. Please ask your child to read their phonics book to you at least 5 times each week. Record each time your child reads to you in their reading record, along with any comments. 
Please check your Tapestry account regularly to stay up to date with your child's learning and to keep informed of their next steps across the curriculum.
Here is an example of our daily routine. Please note this may vary. 
8:30 - 9:00 - Children arrive, are greeted by staff and complete name writing activities. 
9:00 - 9:10 - Register and morning routine. 
9:10 - 9:15 - Wake and Shake 
9:15 - 9:45 - Phonics 
9:45 - 10:00 - Story and snack time
10:00 - 10:15 - Circle time (Maths / Writing) or P.E.
10:15 - 11:30 - Busy learning time (Bike track on Fridays)
11:30 - 11:40 - Lunch time routines
11:40 - 12:40 - Lunch time 
12:40 - 13:00 - Toothbrush club 
13:00 - 13:10 - Register and afternoon routines
13:10 - 13:20 - Circle time (Topic / PSHE / RE / Music etc)
13:20 - 14:40 - Busy learning time (Outdoor learning on Tuesdays)
14:40 - 14:50 - Rhyme time 
14:50 - 15:00 - Circle time (Topic / PSHE / RE / Music etc)
15:00 - 15:10 - Home time routines 
This half term, our focus for learning is 'Me and My Community'. We will be getting to know everyone in our new class, as well as learning about families and people in our community. We will learn about the emergency services and explore our local area too! 
Please take a look at our topic map which details what we will be learning this term: 
Here are some photos of what we have been getting up to so far this term!

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