
Our Learning Journey

This half term, our focus for learning is 'Me and My Community'. We will be getting to know everyone, as well as learning about families and people in our community. We will learn about the emergency services and explore our local area too! 
Please take a look at our topic map which details what we will be learning this term: 
Here are some photos of what we have been getting up to so far this term!
At Truro Learning Nursery we use an online learning journey called Tapestry. Tapestry is an easy-to-use and secure online learning journal that helps staff and families across Aspire academies celebrate their children’s learning and development both at school and home.

Tapestry facilitates this by enabling a personal journal that builds over time. Photographs, videos and notes of special moments will be made available regularly to you via your iPhone or Android App.

More details on how to activate your Tapestry account will be shared once your child starts at Truro Learning Nursery.

Truro Learning Academy
School website design by eSchools. Content provided by Truro Learning Academy. All rights reserved. 2025