

"Writing is the painting of the voice." ~ Voltaire

Talk for Writing

At TLA we use Pie Corbett's Talk for Writing approach. This allows children to be able to "speak the story" and become completely immersed in a text before writing their own.
We only use high quality texts in our teaching and learning and ensure children's writing experiences are rich and varied.
The children will take part in a variety of activities which will allow them to become familiar with the text model and also to practice key skills involved in writing that specific genre.
Where possible writing will link to topics in the wider curriculum and be linked to real life experiences. Children will be aspirational in the quality of their writing with a strong focus on purpose and audience.
The final part of the writing process will involve children in editing and improving their work. This process will be supportive in providing feedback to individuals through class, group and paired work.

Cursive Handwriting

At Truro Learning Academy we introduce cursive writing in Year 2 and follow this all the way through to the end of Key Stage 2.

We pave the way for transition to cursive script by ensuring correct and consistent letter formation in Early Years and Year 1 linked to RWInc phonics. In order to familiarise children with this expectation, we ensure that pre-cursive and cursive script are modelled throughout the school environment. As children begin to demonstrate accuracy and fluency with their letter formation, we begin to invite them to explore the cursive joins. This fluency aids the momentum and flow of their writing and is also linked to dexterity with the application of spelling patterns and rules. Crucially, handwriting fluency and presentation contribute to how a child sees themselves as a writer and so are integral to a child's self-esteem when it comes to recording ideas and publishing their learning outcomes.


It is the aim of our school that every child should be enabled to develop a fluent, legible style of handwriting. Capital and lower case letters should be formed appropriately and letter size should be consistent.

We will provide opportunities for children to develop, practice and perfect skills, and provide targeted support to any child experiencing difficulty.

Truro Learning Academy
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