

SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.



Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.


Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.


Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.


Explore beliefs and experience; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.


Below are some links showing some examples of where SMSC is incorporated into our daily teaching


Our school motto ‘Aspire to achieve’ is a very important part of how our children learn and it is at the heart of all that we do.

Children have the opportunity to reach out and connect with the local community through the celebration festivals, fundraising days and regional celebrations. The school uses our school council to hear our pupil voice in order to decide which charities we will support on fundraising days.   Recently charities such as the food bank’ ‘Children in Need’ and ‘Macmillan’ and ‘help for heroes’ have been supported by the school.

The achievements of our pupils at Truro Learning academy are recognised through celebration assemblies, where rewards and merits of the pupils are acknowledged from both in and out of school.  We aim to foster a sense of achievement through celebrating a variety of learning experiences.


The provision we make to support the cultural development of our children is extensive.  The children’s understanding of their own culture is explored through local area topic work, local art, and literature. 

Through our study of other faiths, cultural focus days and from ‘Multicultural Week,’ we aim to ensure that our children are fully aware and appreciate Britain as multicultural society.    The pupils at Truro Learning also learn Spanish as a modern foreign language.  Through their language learning, the children have the opportunity to increase their own intercultural understanding of the Hispanic world. We celebrate European day of languages which aims to celebrate the diversity of languages spoken in our community of a local and global scale.

We have close links Highertown church and Truro Baptist church where we go to study Christian faiths and celebrate Christian festivals.   The children also have had the opportunity to have visitors of other religious faiths visit the school and we annually have an R.E day where each class chooses a religion of explore and find out more on for example Muslim, Baha’i and Humanist.


The children have a clearly defined sense of right and wrong presented to them through the school vision, behaviour chart and school rules.  The school has clear behaviour policy which outlines the expectations of pupils within the school.

In addition to this they are guided towards fostering a consideration of wider moral issues through the study of topic work and classroom circle time and discussion. The teaching of SMSC within the school curriculum acknowledges different personal identities, positive relationships, and cultural diversity and promotes healthy lifestyles.  Anti- Bulling week in November highlights our zero tolerance policy towards bullying.  During this week each class produces a class bullying charter to show how we as a school can help pupils who feel that they are being bullied.  Year six pupils are also trained to be playground mediators in order to help smaller children in the playground and sort out disputes alongside the meal time assistants and classroom teachers

Social Development

Here at TLA where wish to encourage resilient learners and model how to make positive interactions with their peers and adults. We aim to promote self- esteem, self-confidence and self- knowledge in a variety of ways

  • Regular school council meetings to ensure the pupil voice is heard and taken into consideration.  This is also included in our staff recruitment process.
  • Promoting weekly virtues and British values throughout
  • Following school rules designed to keep children safe and thrive in school.
  • Foster respect for social differences in others cultures.
  • Providing positive celebration experiences e.g assembles, school production and plays to praise other achievements

Truro Learning Academy
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